Our Story
Evolve Metals is building the UK’s only copper refinery. Our innovative closed-loop technology is here to set new industry standards for the sustainable production of copper worldwide.
With our R&D facility based in Edinburgh, we aim to use circular economy principles to secure safe and sustainable supply chains. Our first plant will be in the UK, creating an immediate circular economy for copper production and alleviating an over dependence on imports. Thereafter we will promptly replicate this model elsewhere throughout the world eliminating the need for countries to export their waste copper.
Evolve Metals is the catalyst for a new green British industrial economy.

Evolve Metals offers world leading innovation,
ESG credibility and product quality.

World’s first hydrogen-based,
non-toxic, low emissions
copper refinery.

Energy savings of >80% compared to a typical electrodeposition process.

Every tonne of copper produced, results in a reduction of 6 tonnes of CO2e compared to conventional production methods.

Team expertise across Industry, Business, Electrochemical Engineering, Sustainability, Energy Consulting & Data Analytics.

46% of global refined
copper manufactured by China
2022, OEC (Observatory of Economic Complexity)
UK is 5th largest exporter of copper scrap globally.

2022, World Integrated Trade Solution

Market Drivers
Despite the UK’s green tech & decarbonization ambitions, UK manufacturing is import-dependent with fragile supply chains.
By 2035, Energy transition to renewable sources is helping to drive an estimated increase in copper demand by 50 million mt.
Supply Security
Turning national waste streams into strategically critical resources.
Net Zero Goals
Drive for low impact,
ecologically conscious
industrial refining processes.
UK Copper Market Key Highlights

Source: UN Comtrade, https://comtradeplus.un.org/

At Evolve Metals we offer a distinctive and modular approach to the Copper Refining process through our proprietary technology.
Innovative Technology Redefining the Refining Process - Creating a Circular Economy for Green Copper Production


Every industrial manufacturing
process produces scrap.
(offcuts / not-to-spec product etc).

We source, refine, and supply locally.
Our modular technology enables us to have an immediate impact on a community and grow organically with demand. Instead of one core refinery, modules can be installed simultaneously in multiple locations.

Increased client profits & circular
economy with 99.99% Pure Copper (carbon emissions reduced, critical material retained / resource efficiency) .

Low temperature, emissions
non-toxic, copper recovery process.

Closed loop process & minimal inputs. Hydrogen based lixiviant reused.

No toxic gasses, acid, cyanide, melting, smelting or burning.
Low energy consumption.

99.99%+ pure copper
products produced from zero emission refinery.

Modular, scalable
& low cost.

“Black box” modular solution
for global application.